The Guy in the Swamp: April 2023 Daylight Encounter shared exclusively with Sasquatch The Legend


Example photo showing a swampy area near where the sighting does not depict the exact location of the encounter. 

Earlier this month, in April 2023, Greg Brown, a recently retired, longtime Boeing employee and his wife Sharon were traveling from Olympia, Washington toward the Pacific coast, heading to Westport and Grayland. It was about 9:30 in the morning on a typically cool, gray and cloudy Pacific Northwest day. Brown was driving a big truck with a 36-foot, 5th-wheel trailer attached to the back, so with this extra load, he was focused on safety and chose to travel in the slow lane on the right side of the highway. 

Area where encounter occurred...the red pin depicts the location of the Ranch House restaurant. The encounter took place a bit farther west than the pin.

Brown had just exited 101 and turned onto Highway 8 west. He passed a well-known restaurant called Ranch House Barbecue on the left side of the highway, and then continued on for a couple miles, still focused on driving as carefully as possible.

Something on the right side of his vehicle suddenly caught his attention. In a watery, swampy area with short little trees, he saw what appeared to be a guy standing in the marsh, bending over and reaching down into the water for something, as if he were trying to catch a fish or a frog. “What on earth is that guy doing out there?” Brown thought to himself. The guy in the swamp then stood up, getting taller and taller as he did so, and Brown realized that the “guy” was entirely covered in black hair and taller than he should be—he was between six and six and a half feet tall. He looked kind of like a man but also not like a man, and Brown knew instantly that he was looking at a Sasquatch. 

“Look, Sharon, look!” Brown exclaimed to his wife, while pointing to the figure in the swamp. His wife, who had been intently focused on her phone, glanced to her right just as the truck passed the swamp. With trees now obscuring the view from the truck, she just missed the opportunity to spot the figure, which she now deeply regrets.

Brown wanted to stop the truck immediately to show his wife and to get another look at the figure himself, but he couldn’t simply hit the brakes and turn around because his truck and trailer together totaled about 20,000 lbs of weight. As soon as he came to a location with enough space to allow him to turn the truck and trailer around he did so, but by the time he returned to the swampy, marshy area, the figure that had been there was gone. “It rattled me, seeing that thing out there” recalls Brown, “but I know what I saw. There was no mistaking it. That was Sasquatch.”

Thank you, Greg, for coming in to the Forks, Washington Sasquatch The Legend store, for generously sharing your story with us, and for allowing us to use your name. We really appreciate it.

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By Christina Hebert


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