News & Views
News articles, stories, posts and information from contributors and members of the Sasquatch The Legend community. The perspectives presented here may or may not reflect the views of Sasquatch The Legend, Inc.
The Guy in the Swamp: April 2023 Daylight Sighting on the Olympic Peninsula
Earlier this month, in April 2023, Greg Brown, a recently retired, longtime Boeing employee and his wife Sharon were traveling from Olympia, Washington toward the Pacific coast, heading to Westport and Grayland. It was about 9:30 in the morning on a typically cool, gray and cloudy Pacific Northwest day. Brown was driving a big pickup truck with a 36-foot, 5th-wheel trailer attached to the back, so with this extra load, he was focused on safety and chose to travel in the slow lane on the right side of the highway.
Brown had just exited 101 and turned onto Highway 8 west. He passed a well-known restaurant called Ranch House Barbecue on the left side of the highway, and then continued on for about a mile and a half or so, still focused on driving as carefully as possible.
Something on the right side of his vehicle suddenly caught his attention. In a watery, swampy area with short little trees, he saw what appeared to be a guy standing in the marsh, bending over and reaching down into the water for something, as if he were trying to catch a fish or a frog. “What on earth is that guy doing out there?” Brown thought to himself...
What really happened on Mount St. Helens?
Of all the Sasquatch legends originating in the Pacific Northwest, there is one in particular that has captured the imagination of just about everyone who has heard it. It’s a tantalizing tale of exploding volcanoes, giant hairy beings, shadowy government figures, mysterious helicopter evacuations, and more.
The story begins on May 18, 1980, when Washington’s Mount St. Helens, one of the most beautiful peaks in the Cascade Range, exploded in a catastrophic eruption, killing dozens of people and thousands of animals and raining destructive rocks, ash and debris across the region. After the eruption, a thick flow of ash, mud and fallen trees choked the rivers and streams and smothered what had once been healthy forests.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the National Guard were called upon to help in the rescue and recovery operations. While the hard-working men and women from these organizations worked to recover the bodies of deer, elk, bears and other animals, it is said that they also came across the bodies of two Sasquatch. These bodies were set aside, covered with tarps and guarded by armed men, and witnesses were warned to keep quiet...
I Felt the Vibration of the Noise in My Chest...Barb Horn Hartman's Story
In early October, 2022, after finding some pretty startling evidence of Sasquatch on our property on the Kitsap Peninsula in Washington, I consulted with my friend, Michael Scott, who has been researching them for years. Michael has a Youtube channel called Understanding Bigfoot, where he shares insight about Sasquatch gleaned from his own encounters as well as those of others. I had been sharing my evidence with him for a few months.
I told him I wanted to check out an area close by to me where I had seen some odd wood structures which appeared to be potential shelters. (I am not able to disclose the exact area where the structures are because my chief concern is protecting the Sasquatch clan in my area.) Michael gave me great advice on how to handle myself while in that area in the event that I was actually dealing with a clan of Sasquatch...
He Spoke to Me in My Mind
“Our eyes locked and the 10-foot-tall male Sasquatch and I stared at each other for what felt like several minutes…’You’re only a human,’ he said to me, silently.”
Chris Evans, a solidly built, 62-year-old, 6’5” plus man from Hailey, a small town near Sun Valley, Idaho, came into the Forks, Washington Sasquatch The Legend store recently to tell me about the time when he encountered a Bigfoot. Like so many of those visitors to our store who come in in order to talk to someone about their experience, he looked me straight in the eye with absolute sincerity as he recounted his tale. There was no question about whether this encounter happened to him or not—it’s quite clear that it did.
It happened about eight years ago in an area near Eastfork, Idaho, an old silver mining town with hundreds of miles of abandoned mining tunnels and caves...
Forks Life: Photos from in and around Forks, Washington
We put together a page with some photos of the Forks, Washington area, home to Sasquatch The Legend. The Olympic Peninsula is well known for its unspoiled natural beauty. Take a look and see why so many visitors from around the world choose to come here...perhaps you too will be inspired to take a road trip out to Forks?
"Aper" versus "Woo": what does it all mean?
Here at Sasquatch The Legend, we've gotten a few questions about what we mean by "Aper" vs. "Woo", so we thought we'd explain what it's all about.
As with nearly any fascinating subject, the topic of Bigfoot or Sasquatch elicits strong opinions among enthusiasts. Essentially, the "Ape" or "Aper" perspective refers to the viewpoint that Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, is a type of undiscovered great ape living secretly in the dense forests of the Pacific Northwest and in many other areas.
The "Woo" side of things opines that Bigfoot is much more than a primate. Woo proponents point to the vast number of stories coming in from Bigfoot/Sasquatch witnesses who report such oddities as orbs floating in the air near Bigfoot...
Famed Forensic Sculptor Marcia K. Moore to Speak at Forks Sasquatch Days
Sasquatch The Legend is thrilled to announce a new addition to our speaker lineup for Forks Sasquatch Days, May 26-28, 2023: Marcia K. Moore. A professional artist who has been featured in many nationally syndicated television programs and films, Moore is perhaps best known for her work in the area of three-dimensional facial reconstruction.
A Flash of Beauty: Paranormal Bigfoot
Attendees of this year’s Forks Sasquatch Days, May 26-28, 2023 may not yet realize just how fortunate they are to be part of one of the biggest Bigfoot-related film debuts in recent years: the world premiere of the new film “A Flash of Beauty: Paranormal Bigfoot.” The follow-up to last year’s highly successful “A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed,” “Paranormal Bigfoot" will take viewers to a place they may have never been before: a place where the world of Bigfoot or Sasquatch intersects with the world of the paranormal.
In this exclusive story, Jill Remensnyder, one of the producers of the new film, “A Flash of Beauty: Paranormal Bigfoot,” shares some insight into what makes this upcoming film so special.
“Paranormal Bigfoot, our new film, picks up where the first documentary leaves off. During the course of making the documentary, many of the people we interviewed shared with us experiences that go beyond the traditional quick sighting from a distance, or finding footprints. There were so many accounts of “paranormal” events related to Bigfoot encounters, we couldn’t fit it all in to the first documentary...
Cliff Barackman & the North American Bigfoot Center in Oregon's "Least-Interesting" Town
We’ve heard the jokes before, many times. Anyone who grew up near Portland, Oregon has heard people mocking the small town of Boring, located in the foothills of Mt. Hood. “Nothing much to do there, huh?” people would say and laugh heartily when they first heard the name of the town, while longtime residents would roll their eyes and sigh.
Enter Cliff Barackman. This former elementary school teacher and his wife, Melissa, have together dramatically altered the reputation of what was once thought of as Oregon’s least interesting town. Boring, Oregon (yes, that's the town's real name) is now home to the North American Bigfoot Center, a 3500 square-foot space off Highway 26.
Documenting Sasquatch Researchers in the Selkirk Mountains
One of the most rugged and remote mountainous areas in the Lower 48 states is the region surrounding the Selkirk Range of Eastern Washington, Northwest Idaho and Southeastern British Columbia. Wild, secluded and slashed with vast swaths of nearly inaccessible terrain, the Selkirks have changed little since the gold mining days of the 1850s. Could this region be an ideal place for a Sasquatch to make its home? Documentary filmmaker and video producer Marshall White certainly thinks so.
The creator of a Youtube channel called Selkirk Range Sasquatch, White has interviewed dozens of witnesses and Bigfoot researchers who say they have seen, heard and felt the presence of Bigfoot in the Selkirk Mountains...
My Grandfather Told Me They Were Real...Then I Heard Them For Myself
“My first notion that something out of the ordinary might be inhabiting the woods of the Pacific Northwest came from a story my grandfather told me,” explains Dave Ellis, a Bigfoot researcher and member of The Olympic Project. Ellis’ family lived in Washington State and his grandfather owned an eighty-acre farm near Battle Ground, Washington, just south of Mt. St. Helens, in a region long known for Sasquatch activity.
“When I was about eight years old, Grandpa told me he saw a five-foot-tall monkey running across a hayfield he was cutting. It ran across a field, hopped a fence and disappeared into the woods,” Ellis recalls. “I didn’t know what to think at the time. Then just three years later, I had my own experience,” Ellis continues.
“I was with a group of kids in a forty-acre cow pasture. Along the west fence line was a dense forest with many bushes. As we approached the area near the fence, the trees suddenly exploded with activity. Thirty-foot-tall alder trees began swaying violently! Something was pulling big limbs off the trees! All of a sudden there was a loud noise—the loudest vocalization I’ve ever heard an animal make...
What Sasquatch Eats
Last month, Sasquatch The Legend explored the topic of Where Sasquatch Sleeps. This month, it’s what exactly this mysterious creature sustains itself on that is the focus.
Roots? Berries? Fish? Elk? Even…humans? Every living thing must eat in order to sustain itself, but what exactly does the being we call Bigfoot or Sasquatch consume? Sasquatch The Legend turned to a few of our favorite Bigfoot/Sasquatch reference books for answers.
Kathy Moscowitz Strain’s Giants, Cannibals & Monsters: Bigfoot in Native Culture (2008) is an excellent source of historic tales originally sourced from the oral traditions of native peoples of the the Americas.
Within Strain’s book, some of the oldest references to the giant beings we now know as Bigfoot or Sasquatch depict them as cannibalistic monsters capable of carrying away innocent men, women and children to consume at their leisure...
I Saw Something That Isn't Supposed To Be Real...
A four-second-long experience was all it took to shake a man to his core, to shatter his most fundamental beliefs and make him reevaluate everything he thought he knew.
It all began on an ordinary summer evening in La Push, a tiny town on the Quileute Indian Reservation, nestled in the rainforest on Olympic Peninsula on the far northwest coast of Washington State. La Push Tribal Police Officer Rich Germeau was driving to work in his patrol car. As he drove past Second Beach toward the Lonesome Creek Fish Hatchery, his thoughts turned to the work day to come. He was scheduled for a swing shift that evening, but it didn’t feel like evening yet. It had been a beautiful day, and the warm, July sun cast a golden light from the West, illuminating the trees and thick brush on the edge of the highway...
Where Sasquatch Sleeps
As the dark blanket of winter settles over the sky each year, many of us feel a powerful urge to sleep, to curl up by the fire or a warm heater vent, to relax with a good book or a much-loved movie, and to be a bit less active than we might be in other seasons. Do Sasquatch beings also experience this lethargy during the winter? Do they hibernate? Do they sleep more than usual? When and and where and how do they sleep at all?
On a gray winter afternoon, with freezing rain pelting the windows, I set nearly a dozen books next to me on a plush, comfortable chair near the fire and began to lounge—I mean, ahem, to do intensive research—to find whatever answers I could about the sleeping habits of the Sasquatch...
Brushes With Bigfoot
Sasquatch The Legend takes an in-depth look at J. Robert Alley’s Brushes with Bigfoot: Sasquatch Behaviors Reported in Close Encounters, Native and Non-native Perspectives
Seven pairs of red, glowing eyes stare at two men stranded on a remote Alaskan beach in the dark…A man on a search & rescue mission is chased out of the woods by a huge, whistling being running on two legs…A hunter sleeping in a car is terrified by three Sasquatch beings staring at him through the windows. Gripping stories like these are what most of us hope to find in a book about Bigfoot/Sasquatch. J. Robert Alley’s newest work, Brushes with Bigfoot: Sasquatch Behaviors Reported in Close Encounters, Native and Non-native Perspectives (2021) is chock-full of them...
Idaho Man Loses a Bigfoot Statue, Gains New Friends & Shares Multiple Sasquatch Experiences
When an unknown thief cut through Scott Weissbeck’s chain link fence and stole his metal Bigfoot statue from his front lawn in Boise, Idaho, he was angry. “What’s wrong with people?” he thought. “How can someone just steal things like that, right out of your yard?” The incident left Weissbeck feeling dejected, with his faith in his fellow humans shaken. Little did he know that the theft would bring him nothing but blessings in the end.
Mountain Devil! The 1924 Ape Canyon Attack & Its Aftermath
One man found the place where it all began…The Ape Canyon Attack of 1924!
Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Marc Myrsell had never thought much about Bigfoot until one day at the age of nine when he tuned the family television set to to KPTV Channel 13, Portland. Spellbound, the young Myrsell watched in horror as a historic Bigfoot encounter was reenacted in front of his very eyes.
On the screen, hardworking miners were savagely attacked in the middle of the night by terrifying “ape men”. The wooden frame of the miners’ cabin shook violently, its door rattling, as it was pelted with gigantic rocks. A huge hairy ape arm reached in through the window, grabbing at an axe one of the miners had left on the table and trying to pull it outside. The men took aim...shots rang out! With their ammunition running low, would the miners survive the night? Fortunately, the miners lived, but their lives would never be the same. Neither would Myrsell’s...
Mysterious Sighting Sparks New Endeavor
Sasquatch The Legend speaks with Project Zoobook cofounder, Amy Bue, about a puzzling sighting that sparked her interest in Bigfoot and marked the start of the scientific collaboration now known as Project Zoobook.
While a passenger in a moving car one day, Amy Bue gazed out the window into the distance and suddenly caught sight of a huge, dark being standing along the edge of a reservoir, holding onto a tree. The image seared itself into her memory. “What was that thing?” she asked herself. It was too tall and bulky for a person and not the right shape for a bear, and it was standing on two legs. She struggled to place the image in a known category and wondered if she had possibly seen the creature we call Bigfoot, or Sasquatch.
News From Our Readers
Sasquatch The Legend shares some photos, stories and comments from our readers and customers.
This footprint photo was recently shared with us by Alexis, who discovered it while camping in the Wisconsin Dells area. Thank you for sharing, Alexis!
Reader J.P. shared the story of when he and his wife "caught the dread" or experienced profound feelings of unease late one night near the Snoqualmie River in North Bend, Washington.
And we received many interesting comments on our article, "Murmurs in the Mountains." It seems that more than one person has heard these strange murmurs!
Photo: Explorer Eric Shipton's famous Yeti footprints found during a 1951 expedition to Mount Everest (source: Christie's, via IBTimes)
Footprints in the Snow
For those of us who live in cooler climates, the onset of winter brings exciting opportunities to study footprints left in the snow. While some footprints, such as those of deer, (two separate hooves in a split-heart shape) raccoon (front paw prints look like tiny human hands) and rabbit (four ovals, two long and two short) are easy to recognize, others can be easily confused. The footprints of bears, for example, are surprisingly human-like and can sometimes be mistaken for the prints of a Sasquatch.
How can we tell the difference between a bear print, a bare human footprint and a possible Sasquatch print made in snow? Sasquatch The Legend turned to some of our favorite authors for help...
The Snow Creature vs. The Abominable Snowman: Early Depictions of Yeti/Sasquatch/Bigfoot in film
Whirling snow, fierce winds, valiant young men struggling to ascend a cruel mountaintop in the heart of the Himalaya while a yeti howls in the distance…these scenes have become a familiar part of our collective memory in the West (seared into many young minds by the “Abominable Snowman” which for decades has popped out of the Matterhorn ride at Disneyland in a mildly frightening moment for amusement park visitors). But where did this popular cultural idea come from?
While First Nations and Native American tribes have always had stories of wild, ape-like men in the woods and mountains, and historic newspaper archives contain hundreds, if not thousands of articles about wild men, for many in the West, the concept of a wild, ape-like man living in the forests and mountains first became well-known in the 1950s...
"Flesh & Blood vs. Woo": an Excerpt from Mike Quast's New Book
Author Mike Quast, a longtime researcher, conference presenter, and author of several highly regarded books on Sasquatch, was kind enough to share with us an excerpt from his fast-paced and fascinating new book, Sasquatch Central: High Strangeness at a Northern Minnesota Homestead.
"In the early 1970s, reports began to circulate from areas across America of Bigfoot creatures being associated with various paranormal phenomena. They came from witnesses who were just as much real and honest people as any in the past who had simply described seeing huge upright hairy creatures or finding giant footprints, but now there were new bizarre elements being added.
Bigfoots were being seen in association with UFOs and all sorts of floating lights, with theories emerging that they might even be extraterrestrial in nature or that they might come from some parallel dimension that they could teleport in and out of at will. It seemed to be a viable explanation as to why in spite of how many years went by, no firm proof that they actually existed that would be accepted by the scientific community had so far been captured. Most Bigfoot researchers cringed at these theories, still convinced that they were looking for nothing but a very elusive flesh and blood animal...
The Sasquatch Told Me to Return What I Had Taken
Mel Skahan, a forester with decades of experience in the woodlands of eastern Washington, relates a lesson he learned about respecting Sasquatch. Skahan will be a featured speaker at Sasquatch The Legend's Forks Sasquatch Days in May 2023.
“I had to learn a lesson,” says Mel Skahan, an enrolled member of the indigenous Yakama tribe, based in eastern Washington State. “I had done something that I shouldn’t have. I had to correct what I had done and heal that relationship,” he explains.
It might sound like Skahan is describing a difficult situation with a work colleague, or a crisis point in a marriage, but he’s not. He’s talking about a time when he, in his own words, “violated the trust” of Sasquatch.
A career forester, Skahan has spent decades working in timbered areas of Washington State, doing such jobs as timber cruising, conducting insect studies, fighting wildfires and more. Several years ago, while marking trees for a timber sale in a creek bottom area, Skahan was hammering flags onto a tree when his senses suddenly came alive. “I had this uneasy feeling that I was being watched and followed,” Skahan says...
Just for Fun, Sasquatch Haiku
Have you ever felt inspired while hiking in a lush, green, possibly-Sasquatch-inhabited forest or near a joyfully-splashing river, or wished you could somehow express the feeling of being immersed in the sublime beauty of nature? These emotions can be channeled into a form called Haiku, an ancient style of poetry from Japan. This short poem structure is characterized by three lines in a pattern of 5/7/5 syllables.
- Line one has five syllables.
- Line two has seven syllables.
- Line three has five syllables.
Traditional Japanese haiku often focuses on a single aspect of nature, such as a leaf falling on water, and the poems can be graceful, pleasing and lovely, even when translated. Our haiku is perhaps…not so much. Nevertheless, here are some Bigfoot/Sasquatch-inspired Haiku poems from Sasquatch The Legend.
Dark face in the trees
Much too tall for a person
What else could it be?
Photo: Ken and Laurie Hamilton
The Story Behind the Store: Getting to Know Ken & Laurie Hamilton, owners of Sasquatch The Legend.
In this article, Laurie Hamilton tells us about a frightening experience that would change her life forever...a big surprise that happened on a bike trail in Alabama.
Many people ask us why we opened a Sasquatch store and what we hope to do with it, so we thought we’d share a little bit about us.
In 2018, while mountain biking near Duck River Mountain in Cullman, Alabama, we had an experience that changed our lives. We were biking on a remote trail, just exploring and appreciating the forest after being in the desert in Arizona for the last couple years. Ken had fallen a bit behind, and I (Laurie) was about a mile or two ahead of him on a pretty desolate path...
Howls & Happenings in the Hoodoos: Interview with Cindy Goodbrake of Sasquatch Sisters Northwest
Sasquatch The Legend's exclusive interview with Cindy Goodbrake, founder of the all-female research group Sasquatch Sisters Northwest, details some of the unusual experiences Cindy and her family have had since moving to the Hoodoo Mountains area of North Idaho.
Thunderous slaps on the outside of your house…pine cones being thrown at your children…an unknown being braiding the manes and tails of your horses…something huge outside standing on two legs…and a violently shaking trailer with no one inside it.
These are not the things most people expect to have happen after moving to a peaceful, rural property in North Idaho at the edge of the rugged Hoodoo Mountains. Yet these strange interactions would became part of everyday life for Cindy Goodbrake and her family...
A Big Birthday at Yakima Valley Bigfoot Con
Attendees of the October 2022 Yakima Valley Bigfoot Con enjoyed a very special opportunity to meet the legendary Bob Gimlin of the 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film.
Fifty five years ago, Gimlin and his friend Roger Patterson captured just over a minute of film of a large, hairy creature, now known as “Patty,” striding through the trees in Bluff Creek, California. To this day, this brief footage is considered to be one of the strongest pieces of evidence substantiating the existence of Sasquatch beings.
Dressed in his trademark cowboy hat, jeans, belt and boots, the now-91-year-old Gimlin received a Lifetime Achievement Award...
Giant Fingerprints on a Dusty Truck
Barb Shupe, a longtime Sasquatch experiencer and cofounder of the Barb & Goldie Group, is based in the Mount Rainier area of Washington State. The B&G (Barb & Goldie) group is a gathering of Sasquatch experiencers and researchers who camp out together several times a year and respectfully strive to learn not only about the Sasquatch, but from them. Barb kindly shared a recent story of strange, giant fingerprints found at a campsite during a B&G gathering in Greenwater, WA.
"This weekend (October 15-16, 2022) we wrapped up our final campout of the season. We had so many amazing adventures! I’ll be sharing them soon. But for now, I have something exciting to share. This last week, while camping near Greenwater, we were aware of the possible presence of the Forest Folk around us, pretty much the whole time we were in camp. There were vocals, footsteps, a shaken tree, wood knocks, even a run through…the usual stuff, LOL...
Apples & Sasquatch
Crunching sounds are heard in the orchard…a dark shadow slips through the trees…the fruit is gone.
Many Sasquatch researchers believe that Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, loves apples. This idea, common in folklore and in stories passed down for generations, has been substantiated by dozens, if not hundreds of reports of fruit disappearing from trees in both home and commercial apple orchards amid sightings of large, dark beings.
Apples have become one of the most common gifts that researchers leave for Sasquatch in order to befriend or have an opportunity to study the beings, and nearly every book and TV show about interactions with Sasquatch includes a mention of gifting apples.
Bigfoot/Sasquatch News Roundup
Here is a selection of intriguing Bigfoot/Sasquatch-related articles that have appeared in the news over the past few months.
The Wall Street Journal printed an article about ongoing searches for Sasquatch, along with a photo essay:
“Some researchers are looking for Bigfoot…just don’t tell anyone.”
The BBC discussed First Nations views of Bigfoot, as well as mentioning the expansion of a Sasquatch Museum in British Columbia, set to open in 2023:
“The true origin of Sasquatch”
A Conversation with Melba Ketchum about her new book series, The Phantom Forest Saga, and more.
Author Melba Ketchum is the creator of a new series of fantasy books, the Phantom Forest Saga. Book 1, Befriended, is already out and Book 2, Bereft, will be published in the next few weeks. Readers love the first book and say it is a little like the Twilight series, but with Sasquatch in the forest.
In Befriended, two young people from vastly different worlds meet in the woods, endure frightening experiences and grow closer together. Readers get to know beautiful forest people from warring clans, meet interesting characters that either help or try to hurt the main character, Gracie, and experience vivid scenes of love, adventure, and the struggle to stay alive.
In this exclusive interview, Ms. Ketchum spoke with Sasquatch The Legend about her books.
Thom Cantrall reflects on camping, examining footprints, and looking into 'unusual bear activity' with his friend Barb and her dog, Gabby
Cantrall, an acclaimed author, frequent speaker at Sasquatch The Legend conferences, and friend to many in the Bigfoot community, shares an excerpt from a book he is currently writing (we'll be sure to let you know when it is published).
Barb 'n Gabby
A few years ago, back in 2014, a new research team came to my attention. The first thing I noticed was that one of the team members was a real dog... the senior member, however seemed level headed and very interested, if not too well informed. I began following their work loosely and noticed a distinct improvement in the material being presented in their videos they released regularly... most from near their western Washington home.
It was November of 2014 that I first met this lady at the Sasquatch Summit in Ocean Shores, Washington...
Inside the Owl Moon Lab with Tobe Johnson
What do owls, moons, and paranormal experiments have to do with Sasquatch? And what’s all this about an ‘interactive’ book? The Owl Moon Lab author Tobe Johnson clears things up for us.
“The Owl Moon Lab is a place where the veil is thin, a strange place on the grid, much like Skinwalker Ranch,” explains Johnson.
“It’s also a ranch in Oregon where my friends Darrell and Cindy lived, and I was living on part of their property. I’d been looking into Sasquatch sightings for many years and one day I was with a friend who took me to see some stick structures in the forest, and on the way there we saw these strange knee impressions in the ground under a full moon...
Murmurs in the Mountains of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington State
The dark, thickly forested terrain of Washington State’s Olympic Mountain Range became the setting for one of the strangest experiences I have ever had.
The story began in May of 2021, when my father and I headed into the mountains near Forks, WA to scout out potential elk hunting sites for later in the year. (I won’t say exactly where we were, because this is a special place, and I don’t want to spoil it with too many visitors.)
We parked our car at the bottom of an old logging road which had been decommissioned years ago by the Forest Service. As we trudged up the steep, gravel road, with each switchback, the well-worn ruts in the earth became more and more overgrown with brush, and after a mile or two, the surroundings began to appear more like natural habitat than anything manmade...
FILM REVIEW: A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed (2022)
Directed by Brett Eichenberger
Featuring Darrell Adams, Peter Byrne, Henry Franzoni, Rich Germeau, Tobe Johnson, Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum, Ron Morehead, Sonya Zahar and many more
From the first few moments of this film’s contemplative opening scenes, set in a vast landscape of forested mountains half-hidden in the mist, as sincere voices present true stories of personal encounters with mysterious beings, viewers begin to sense that this is not just any old Bigfoot movie. And they are right...
Chatting about Sasquatch and art with one of our favorite artists: Tom Sewid
While driving through the town of Forks, Washington, you may have seen a mural on the side of the Sasquatch The Legend store and wondered who made it and what it's all about.
"It’s Dzoonakwa, (pronounced Joo-na-kwa) which is my tribe’s name for Sasquatch,” says Tom Sewid, the artist who created the piece. A member of the Mamalilikulla Tribe from the Kwakwaka’wakw First Nation from Northern Vancouver Island, Canada, Sewid explains that his tribe is one of the closest tribes affiliated with Sasquatch. In tribal tradition, animal crests are like money, and the crest of Sasquatch depicted on his tribe’s totem poles is its highest ranked crest, showing the regard for the Sasquatch beings among his people...
Top Ten Reasons to Keep an Open Mind about Bigfoot / Sasquatch
1. Oral history and pictographs/petroglyphs of First Nations and Native American peoples
For thousands of years, people living in what is now North America have told stories & drawn pictures of large, hairy beings interacting with normal humans. Many of their descendants maintain that the stories are not mythological, but are fact-based evidence of past encounters with Hairy Men / Bigfoot-like beings.
2. Patterson/Gimlin film
Shot in 1967 near Bluff Creek, Northern California, this 59.5 second film features a large, bipedal female figure striding past a creek and heading into the forest. The footage clearly shows characteristics (such as rippling muscles under the skin, a non-human like gait, an upturned foot without an arch) that would have been impossible to create with a costume or with the special effects technology available at the time...
Our store features "Biggy", who is the local Fork Sasquatch that measures 8.5 feet tall and is the perfect photo opportunity for families to snap a picture.
Open every day! We never charge an admission and we're open to the public.
Store Hours:
Open 7 Days a Week:Mon - Sun: 10:00 am to 6:00 pm