Mysterious Sighting Inspires New Endeavor: Project Zoobook

Sasquatch The Legend speaks with Project Zoobook cofounder, Amy Bue, about a puzzling sighting that sparked her interest in Bigfoot and marked the start of the scientific collaboration now known as Project Zoobook. 

(all photos on this page courtesy of Amy Bue)

While a passenger in a moving car one day, Amy Bue gazed out the window into the distance and suddenly caught sight of a huge, dark being standing along the edge of a reservoir, holding onto a tree. The image seared itself into her memory. “What was that thing?” she asked herself. It was too tall and bulky for a person and not the right shape for a bear, and it was standing on two legs. She struggled to place the image in a known category and wondered if she had possibly seen the creature we call Bigfoot, or Sasquatch.

Amy Bue

After this momentary glimpse sparked her curiosity, Bue began to seek documented, scientific information about Bigfoot. Was it possible that this elusive being truly existed, hidden in the shadows of forests across North America? She wanted to know more, so Bue, a writer, editor, and educator from Ohio, became an award-winning Bigfoot researcher, conference speaker and expedition leader, and cofounded a group called Project Zoobook, which aims to continue the work of the late researcher and wildlife biologist Dr. John Bindernagel of making the subject of Bigfoot/Sasquatch less taboo. 

Comprised of individual specialists including primate zookeepers, wildlife biologists, marine biologists, forestry workers, archaeologists, anthropologists, university professors, law enforcement officers, taxonomists, scientists and Bigfoot researchers from across the country, Project Zoobook operates as a think tank in which individuals can discuss research, ideas and new findings pertinent to Bigfoot/Sasquatch as well as to primate behavior, and to collaborate on studies and scientific endeavors. 

What makes Project Zoobook so special is that it is a place where interested scientists and other professionals can explore the topic of Bigfoot respectfully, within the privacy of a small group, without fear of ridicule or of losing their positions with academic, zoological and/or scientific institutions. As one member stated, “Just because we are interested in the topic of Bigfoot and think it deserves to be explored, doesn’t mean that our zoo board, or university, or other institute, would agree.” The individual professionals involved with Project Zoobook don’t want to lose funding or credibility, so Project Zoobook is committed to maintaining the privacy of its members. 

As Shane Corson, an outdoorsman, survivalist and field researcher with the group explains, “Project Zoobook is a unique endeavor where academics, scientists, and Sasquatch researchers/enthusiasts discuss known biology and research methods while looking into the Sasquatch phenomena. It’s a wonderful collaboration and an open and honest conversation set up in a ‘think tank’ sort of scenario. It’s a huge step in making this topic less taboo.” 

Currently, Project Zoobook members are working together on multiple projects. One is the upcoming documentary film “Legend Meets Science II” with MonsterQuest producer Doug Hajicek, which will, like its predecessor, delve deeply into the enigma that is Bigfoot/Sasquatch. Group members are also working together on various books and scholarly articles, and several teams are collaborating on micro studies of areas with a high number of sightings from Pennsylvania to Washington State. 

A recent project that Project Zoobook Cofounder Bue is particularly proud of is an outreach with members of the Blackfeet Nation in Montana. Project Zoobook members camped on tribal land and explored areas where frequent sightings of the Imoiitapi, or Hairy Man, have occurred. Plans are in the works to continue to collaborate with Native and First Nations people in the US and Canada, as Project Zoobook group members believe they have knowledge and expertise that is key to the mystery of Bigfoot.

Project Zoobook’s logo features a dual profile, half Sasquatch, half Gorilla, together forming one complete face. Designed by a primate zookeeper (who wishes to remain nameless) the logo represents Project Zoobook’s collaborative efforts, which bring together primate specialists, scientists of other disciplines, and Bigfoot researchers to study this mysterious creature in depth.

Sasquatch The Legend is proud to partner with Project Zoobook on a new line of themed merchandise. We offer T-shirts, coffee mugs and shot glasses in gray, black and white, all with the striking black & white Project Zoobook logo. 

For Project Zoobook merchandise, click here: Project Zoobook 

For more information about Project Zoobook, visit the group's new website (a work in progress) at

To reach Amy Bue, email or visit her Facebook page via the image link below. 



by Christina Hebert


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