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Where Sasquatch Sleeps

Pacific Northwest winter scene, near North Bend, Washington (author photo) As the dark blanket of winter settles over the sky each year, many of us feel a powerful urge to...

Where Sasquatch Sleeps

Pacific Northwest winter scene, near North Bend, Washington (author photo) As the dark blanket of winter settles over the sky each year, many of us feel a powerful urge to...

Brushes with Bigfoot

  Sasquatch The Legend takes an in-depth look at J. Robert Alley’s Brushes with Bigfoot: Sasquatch Behaviors Reported in Close Encounters, Native and Non-native Perspectives Seven pairs of red, glowing...

Brushes with Bigfoot

  Sasquatch The Legend takes an in-depth look at J. Robert Alley’s Brushes with Bigfoot: Sasquatch Behaviors Reported in Close Encounters, Native and Non-native Perspectives Seven pairs of red, glowing...

I Saw Something That's Not Supposed To Be Real...

Sasquatch The Legend presents an exclusive interview with Bigfoot experiencer Rich Germeau. Rich Germeau A four-second-long experience was all it took to shake a man to his core, to shatter...

I Saw Something That's Not Supposed To Be Real...

Sasquatch The Legend presents an exclusive interview with Bigfoot experiencer Rich Germeau. Rich Germeau A four-second-long experience was all it took to shake a man to his core, to shatter...

Mountain Devil! The 1924 Ape Canyon Attack and ...

One man found the place where it all began…The Ape Canyon Attack of 1924! Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Marc Myrsell had never thought much about Bigfoot until...

Mountain Devil! The 1924 Ape Canyon Attack and ...

One man found the place where it all began…The Ape Canyon Attack of 1924! Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Marc Myrsell had never thought much about Bigfoot until...

Mysterious Sighting Inspires New Endeavor: Proj...

Sasquatch The Legend speaks with Project Zoobook cofounder, Amy Bue, about a puzzling sighting that sparked her interest in Bigfoot and marked the start of the scientific collaboration now known...

Mysterious Sighting Inspires New Endeavor: Proj...

Sasquatch The Legend speaks with Project Zoobook cofounder, Amy Bue, about a puzzling sighting that sparked her interest in Bigfoot and marked the start of the scientific collaboration now known...

"Flesh & Blood vs. Woo": an excerpt from Mike Q...

      All photos on this page courtesy of Mike Quast Author Mike Quast, a longtime researcher, conference presenter, and author of several highly regarded books on Sasquatch, was kind enough...

"Flesh & Blood vs. Woo": an excerpt from Mike Q...

      All photos on this page courtesy of Mike Quast Author Mike Quast, a longtime researcher, conference presenter, and author of several highly regarded books on Sasquatch, was kind enough...