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Sasquatch The Legend

Sasquatch Grabbing Bad Children T Shirt by Thomas Sewid

Sasquatch Grabbing Bad Children T Shirt by Thomas Sewid

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Sasquatch Grabbing Bad Children T-Shirt by Thomas Sewid The T-shirt is a soft poly/cotton blend with a colorful vibrant print.

Here is the story behind the print by Tom Sewid:

Every family within the Kwakwaka’wakw and Laichwiltach Tribes of 
Northeastern and Northwestern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, 
has different stories about what an ancestor experienced when 
encountering a Dzoonakwa/Sasquatch. These stories come to life 
in legends that have been passed down for thousands of years and 
come to life in dance at our Potlatch ceremonies. 
Every Tribe and family has a legend about the ‘Dzoonakwa’, 
‘Sasquatch’ or ’Wildwoman of the Woods’ taking children away 
that are bad. They say Dzoonakwa always watches from the forest 
children and young people. She’s not allowed to take them unless 
they misbehave. If they act up, steal, whine, are lazy, pull tantrums, 
don’t do their chores, fight or don’t listen to their scout leaders, she 
can take that bad child or young person. 
Dzoonakwa runs from the forest and grabs the bad young person with 
her big, hairy arm. They say she will reach through a window or tear 
through a tent. She then rubs Spruce tree sap into the eyes of the bad young person so they are blind and cannot see. The child is tossed into 
her basket on her back or stuffed into a sack woven from red cedar 
bark. It’s like a giant coffee bean or potato sack. 
Dzoonakwa then runs into the forest, up a tall mountain to her 
invisible home, and that’s where she boils up the bad children and 
eats them. So you young people, always ensure you behave, especially 
when you are out in the forest. You must remember that Dzoonakwa 
is always watching to ensure that you behave yourself, do what is 
asked of you, and always remember to listen to your elders, especially 
your Scout leaders. 
Now, you young people, remember one thing about life: They say you 
will meet people from all over. Some will even come from other parts of 
the world.

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